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PRP Results: Enormously Beneficial for Hair Loss Sufferers

PRP Results Enormously Beneficial for Hair LossPlatelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is one of the most promising treatments in hair loss science currently available. It is a relatively new technology, and even with the limited amount of usage it has enjoyed so far, it has been enormously beneficial for a number of hair loss sufferers.

If you are interested in whether this treatment is right for you, we would recommend you contact us, as soon as possible, for a hair check. Especially before your hair loss inches closer to permanent.

How Are Growth Cell Infused PRP Used In Hair Loss Therapy?

Growth cells are undifferentiated cells which can be used to target and address several issues. Growth cells are useful because they can be developed into a variety of cell types. When there is a lack of a particular cell type, growth cell infused PRP can be used to restore levels to an appropriate standard.

PRP treatments basically concentrate the quantity of platelets and redirect them to injured areas, forming clots and releasing growth factors which then stimulate regrowth. Growth Cell Infused PRP is a powerful tool for the medical profession and is used in the treatment of some of the following debilitating diseases:

  • Tendonitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Spinal Injuries
  • Ligament Damage
  • Muscle Tears

How Do PRP Injections Work?

Platelets contain growth factors, which essentially instruct the body to redirect blood vessels and growth cells towards afflicted areas.

This effectively signals the body that extra resources are needed in a particular area. What this causes is a healing response at a much faster rate, also assisting in clearing out inflammations. Think of PRP Injections as a kick to jumpstart regrowth and immune systems.

What Are The Results Of PRP Treatments?

PRP treatments have shown serious efficacy in treating a number of forms of hair loss, such as androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness) and scalp folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicles around the scalp).

The treatment has been available for a relatively short period, but has a steadily increasing popularity around the world, with both clients and medical professionals.

It may be too early to know precisely how effective it is, but a growing body of research is showing promising results. It has been noted as effective in stimulating regrowth, reducing inflammation and increasing the volume and thickness of previously foregone hair.

Contact Advanced Hair Studio for Growth Cell Infused PRP Information

We know how to help you regrow more hair. We’ve done this all over the world, and our treatments have helped over 1 million people. All our procedures are designed by hair loss doctors and have been subjected to intensive scientific testing. We know they work and we know they can help you and your thinning hair.

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Further Reading