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New Hair Loss Treatment

New Hair Loss TreatmentWhat New Hair Loss Treatments Are Available?

Hair loss doesn’t have to control your life anymore. With some of the newest medical and surgical interventions being used by Advanced Hair Studio today, vibrant and natural hair is just around the corner.

In a market flooded with suspect treatments, many of which are unproven, untested and impermanent, it’s reassuring to know that you have options to combat hair loss that will last a lifetime and get your appearance back in your own hands.

From revolutionary growth cell infused PRP treatments to some of the most innovative FUE hair transplant procedures around, we offer only cutting-edge service that has given us a renowned reputation for proven, effective results.

All our treatments are tailored to individual clients, and we guarantee incredible results for both men and women. To find out about which option suits you best, get in contact with us to secure a advanced hair check.

Advanced Hair Studio Melbourne Hair Treatment Options

  • Strand-by-Strand® HairGRAFT: Our follicular unit transplantation (FUE), known as Strand-by-Strand® HairGRAFT provides a natural-looking transplant by matching each new hair to an existing strand. This means the final product requires no maintenance, and the new strands will grow naturally.
  • Hairfusion: This is a non-permanent version of the surgical method. There is no scarring or redness, and it offers all the natural transplant benefits of the surgical option.
  • Advanced Laser Therapy: Our revolutionary laser hair growth treatment works to stimulate natural regrowth, paired with established and effective pharmaceuticals. We proudly stand by the wildly effective 95% success rate.
  • Strand-by-Strand® Blitz: Combining the best of techniques, Hairfusion treatment and Advanced Laser Therapy provides the optimal environment for regrowth to target even the most aggressive forms of hair loss.
  • Advanced Singular Hair Grafting®: The most common area where hair transplants are required is the hairline. We use non-surgical and surgical techniques to provide a hair grafting technique that looks entirely natural form the get-go.

Why Should I Consider Hair Loss Treatment?

Hair loss hurts. It shatters confidence, self-esteem and can completely wreak havoc on your personal and professional relationships. There’s no shame in admitting it can seriously negatively affect your life, and when it does, it’s time to seek some sort of treatment.

You could search through and try endless cures and solutions to hair loss. Some of these may very well help to slow it down, and even fewer could even help to grow your hair back. But these are temporary solutions to a permanent problem. You need a solution that can give you back what you once had, for good. Your confidence and peace of mind are worth so much more.

Contact Advanced Hair Studio Australia For The Best Hair Transplant in Melbourne

Over 1 million people around the world have had their lives changed by our treatments. We know they work because we have seen it first hand, and we have hundreds of thousands of happy customers who are prepared to back our expertise.

Restore your confidence today:

Further Reading